What We Do
Downtown Taos MainStreet is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that serves as the action-based implementation organization coordinating with the Town of Taos, Taos County, businesses, property owners, and community partners to achieve a shared vision of our Historic Downtown District. We are committed to revitalizing the economy of Downtown Taos while preserving its culture. Taos MainStreet became an accredited MainStreet program in August 2019.
Our Mission
Taos MainStreet works with the community to revitalize the downtown area while preserving its culture. As a member of the Main Street America and the New Mexico MainStreet network, Taos MainStreet engages in preservation-based economic development with support and resources of the larger network.
Our Vision
Everyone deserves access to a vibrant community – a place with a thriving local economy, rich in character, and inviting public spaces where locals and visitors feel they belong. Taos MainStreet serves as the action-based implementation team coordinating with the community, Town of Taos, businesses, and property owners to achieve a shared vision of our downtown.
Our Economic Transformation Strategies
Improve the physical environment and public infrastructure to create a clean, safe, and appealing environment for locals and visitors. Improve physical assets and create connectivity and walkability between different areas of the district. Revitalization efforts will include public and private properties, buildings, streets, alleyways, and pedestrian areas.
Facilitate a sustainable, diverse economy that meets the needs of locals and visitors. Encourage a strong, diversified entrepreneurial environment where existing businesses and startups can thrive. Support an appropriate mix of retail, restaurants, entertainment, and housing in the district.
Develop human and financial resources to strengthen our organization and support our work. Implement systems to create long term sustainability and meet our organization’s needs. Market our district’s defining assets, activities, events, and businesses. Effectively communicate our organization’s strategies, goals, projects, programs, and successes to the community.
Taos MainStreet District
238 businesses
~22 square blocks
To find out more about the businesses in the District, visit our Business Directory